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WATCH | Book Week | Concern over low literacy levels in primary schools

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Tshwane mayor Cilliers Brink.
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Nyanga, CPT – Basic Education Minister Siviwe Gwarube, believes that more should be done to promote a reading culture in South Africa.
This after underwhelming reading for meaning statistics for school pupils.
According to a report by the International Reading Literacy Project, 81% of Grade Four pupils in the country are unable to read for meaning.
READ: WATCH | Mission to ensure literacy in SA by 2030 
In 2023, the Basic Education Department and Unicef South Africa found that 43% of South African families lack access to books.
Minister Gwarube visited a creche in Nyanga to launch her campaign for National Book Week.
eNCA’s Nobesuthu Hejana has the details. 
